
As at 18 November 2022.

Citation overview:

Google Scholar (Google):   799 citations   H-index = 13
Scopus (Elsevier):   609 citations   H-index = 12
Web of Science (Thomson Reuters):   493 citations   H-index = 11
Dimensions (Digital Sci. & Res. Solutions):
  432 citations   H-index = 11


Journal articles:

David I. Verrelli, David R. Dixon and Peter J. Scales;
“Effect of coagulation conditions on the dewatering properties of sludges produced in drinking water treatment”;
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects;
20 September 2009; 348(1–3): pp. 14–23. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfa.2009.06.013.

David I. Verrelli, David R. Dixon and Peter J. Scales;
“Assessing dewatering performance of drinking water treatment sludges”;
Water Research;
March 2010; 44(5): pp. 1542–1552. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2009.10.036.

David I. Verrelli, Peter T. L. Koh and Anh V. Nguyen;
“Particle–bubble interaction and attachment in flotation”;
Chemical Engineering Science;
01 December 2011; 66(23): pp. 5910–5921 & Supplementary Material. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2011.08.016.

David I. Verrelli;
“Degradation of epoxy pipe coatings due to diffusion of chemicals”;
Water Journal;
May 2012; 39(3): pp. 63–67.

David I. Verrelli, Peter T. L. Koh, Warren J. Bruckard and M. Philip Schwarz;
“Variations in the induction period for particle–bubble attachment”;
Minerals Engineering;
October 2012; 36–38: pp. 219–230 & Supplementary Material. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2012.03.034.

David I. Verrelli, Warren J. Bruckard, Peter T. L. Koh, M. Philip Schwarz and Bart Follink;
“Particle shape effects in flotation. Part 1: Microscale experimental observations”;
Minerals Engineering;
April 2014; 58: pp. 80–89 & Supplementary Material. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2014.01.004.

David I. Verrelli;
“Convenient formulæ for the drag on a prolate ellipsoid moving along its axis of symmetry perpendicular to a plane surface”; International Journal of Multiphase Flow;
October 2014; 65: pp. 138–142 & Supplementary Material. doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2014.05.010.

David I. Verrelli and Boris Albijanic;
“A comparison of methods for measuring the induction time for bubble–particle attachment”;
Minerals Engineering;
September 2015; 80: pp. 8–13. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2015.06.011.

David I. Verrelli and Adam R. Kilcullen;
“Normal stress differences and yield stresses in attractive particle networks”;
Advances in Condensed Matter Physics;
2016; 2016: Article ID 1716598 & Supplementary Material. doi:10.1155/2016/1716598.

M. Philip Schwarz, Peter T.L. Koh, David I. Verrelli and Yuqing Feng;
“Sequential multi-scale modelling of mineral processing operations, with application to flotation cells”;
Minerals Engineering;
01 May 2016; 90: pp. 2–16. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2015.09.021.

David I. Verrelli, Yi Qian, Michael K. Wilson, James Wood and Craig Savage;
“Intraoperative tremor in surgeons and trainees”;
Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery;
September 2016; 23(3): pp. 410–415 & Supplementary Material. doi:10.1093/icvts/ivw150.

David I. Verrelli, Yi Qian, James Wood and Michael K. Wilson;
“Measurement of tremor transmission during microsurgery”;
The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery;
December 2016; 12(4): pp. 585–597 & Supplementary Material. doi:10.1002/rcs.1717.

Mingzi Zhang, Yujie Li, Xi Zhao, David I. Verrelli, Winston Chong, Makoto Ohta and Yi Qian;
“Haemodynamic effects of stent diameter and compaction ratio on flow-diversion treatment of intracranial aneurysms: a numerical study of a successful and an unsuccessful case”;
Journal of Biomechanics;
14 June 2017; 58: pp. 179–186. doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2017.05.001.

Chris Aldrich, Lidia Auret, Leanne K. Smith, David I. Verrelli, Warren J. Bruckard and Melissa Kistner;
“Multivariate image analysis of realgar–orpiment flotation froths”;
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy: Section C);
2018; 127(3): pp. 146–156. doi:10.1080/03719553.2017.1318570.

Yujie Li, Mingzi Zhang, Yi Qian, David I. Verrelli, Winston Chong and Makoto Ohta;
“Numerical simulation of aneurysmal haemodynamics with calibrated porous-medium models of flow-diverting stents”;
Journal of Biomechanics;
26 October 2018; 80: pp. 88–94. doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2018.08.026.

Yujie Li & David I. Verrelli [co-first authors], William Yang, Yi Qian and Winston Chong;
“A pilot validation of CFD model results against PIV observations of haemodynamics in intracranial aneurysms treated with flow-diverting stents”;
Journal of Biomechanics;
13 February 2020; 100: Article ID 109590. doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2019.109590.

Dion M. F. Frampton, Nawshad Haque, David I. Verrelli, Geoff J. Dumsday and Kim J. Lee Chang;
“Process design guided by life cycle assessment to reduce greenhouse gas-related environmental impacts of food processing”;
June 2021; 13(12): Article ID 6864. doi:10.3390/su13126864.

Mingzi Zhang, Yujie Li, Shin-ichiro Sugiyama, David I. Verrelli, Yasushi Matsumoto, Teiji Tominaga, Yi Qian, Simon Tupin, Hitomi Anzai and Makoto Ohta;
“Incomplete stent expansion in flow-diversion treatment affects aneurysmal haemodynamics: a quantitative comparison of treatments affected by different severities of malapposition occurring in different segments of the parent artery”;
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering;
July 2021; 37(7): Article ID e3465. doi:10.1002/cnm.3465.

Mingzi Zhang & Jinlong Liu [co-first authors], Haibo Zhang, David I. Verrelli, Qian Wang, Liwei Hu, Yujie Li, Makoto Ohta, Jinfen Liu and Xi Zhao;
“CTA-based non-invasive estimation of pressure gradients across a CoA: a validation against cardiac catheterisation”;
Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research;
October 2021; 15(5): pp. 873–882. doi:10.1007/s12265-020-10092-7.

David I. Verrelli et al.;
“Natural distribution of brain aneurysms in two large Australian cohorts”;
in preparation.

David I. Verrelli and Yi Qian;
“Model flow-diverting stent geometry affects hæmodynamic simulation results”;
in preparation.

David I. Verrelli;
“Particle shape effects in flotation. Part 2: Theoretical predictions for interaction of a particle with a bubble”;
in preparation.

David I. Verrelli;
“Error structures in sub-pixel interpolation for particle localisation with pixelated detectors”;
in preparation.


Conferences — full, peer-reviewed papers:

Joel M. Rahman?, Shane P. Seaton, Jean-Michel Perraud, Harold Hotham, David I. Verrelli and John R. Coleman;
“It’s TIME for a new environmental modelling framework”;
in: David A. Post (Ed.);
MODSIM 2003, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation : Integrative Modelling of Biophysical, Social, and Economic Systems for Resource Management Solutions;
Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand; Townsville, Australia; 14–17 July 2003; Vol. 4, pp. 1727–1732. [full paper]

David I. Verrelli;
“Effects of polymer flocculation upon sludge dewatering in potable water treatment”;
Ozwater ’10;
AWA; Brisbane, Australia; 08–10 March 2010; Paper No. PD20.03. [full paper]
Website: (archived version).

David I. Verrelli? and Peter T. L. Koh;
“Understanding particle–bubble attachment: experiments to improve flotation modelling”;
Chemeca 2010: The 40th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference;
IChemE in Australia / EA / RACI / SCENZ–IChemE N.Z.; Adelaide, Australia; 26–29 September 2010; Paper No. 0470. [full paper]

David I. Verrelli, Warren J. Bruckard, Peter T. L. Koh, M. Philip Schwarz, and Bart Follink [presented by Liza Forbes?];
“Influence of particle shape and roughness on the induction period for particle–bubble attachment”;
in: Venkataramana Runkana and Beena Rai (Ed’s);
IMPC 2012: XXVI International Mineral Processing Congress;
Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers (IIME) and Indian Institute of Metals (IIM); New Delhi, India; 24–28 September 2012; pp. 5664–5676. [full paper]

David I. Verrelli?;
“Localised inducement of bubble surface mobility due to motion of a nearby particle”;
in: Chris B. Solnordal, Petar Liovic, Gary W. Delaney and Peter J. Witt (Ed’s);
Ninth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals and Process Industries (CFD2012);
CSIRO; Melbourne, Australia; 10–12 December 2012. [full paper]

David I. Verrelli?, Andrew Lee, M. Philip Schwarz, and Peter T. L. Koh;
“Forces arising during bubble–particle interaction”;
in: Chris B. Solnordal, Petar Liovic, Gary W. Delaney and Peter J. Witt (Ed’s);
Ninth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals and Process Industries (CFD2012);
CSIRO; Melbourne, Australia; 10–12 December 2012. [full paper]

David I. Verrelli? and Boris Albijanic;
“Measuring the induction time for particle–bubble attachment in flotation”;
in: Juan Yianatos (Ed.);
IMPC 2014: XXVII International Mineral Processing Congress;
Santiago, Chile; 20–24 October 2014; pp. 2-172 – 2-182. [full paper]

Chris Aldrich?, Leanne K. Smith, David I. Verrelli, Warren J. Bruckard, Melissa Kistner and Lidia Auret;
“Multivariate image analysis of a realgar–orpiment batch froth flotation system”;
in: Juan Yianatos (Ed.);
IMPC 2014: XXVII International Mineral Processing Congress;
Santiago, Chile; 20–24 October 2014; pp. 4-14 – 4-22. [full paper]

Peter T. L. Koh and David I. Verrelli?;
“Influence of particle shape on flotation performance”;
in: Juan Yianatos (Ed.);
IMPC 2014: XXVII International Mineral Processing Congress;
Santiago, Chile; 20–24 October 2014; pp. 4-23 – 4-33. [full paper]

Mingzi Zhang?, Yujie Li, David I. Verrelli, Winston Chong, Makoto Ohta and Yi Qian;
“Applying computer simulation to the design of flow-diversion treatment for intracranial aneurysms”;
in: Kwang Suk Park (Ed.);
39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE EMBC’17);
Jeju, South Korea; 11–15 July 2017. [full paper]

Yujie Li?, Mingzi Zhang, David I. Verrelli, William Yang, Winston Chong, Makoto Ohta and Yi Qian;
“A sensitivity study on modelling a flow-diverting stent as a porous medium using computational fluid dynamics”;
in: Kwang Suk Park (Ed.);
39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE EMBC’17);
Jeju, South Korea; 11–15 July 2017. [full paper]

Yujie Li?, Mingzi Zhang, David I. Verrelli, William Yang, Winston Chong, Makoto Ohta and Yi Qian;
“Modelling flow-diverting stent as porous medium with different permeabilities in the treatment of intracranial aneurysms: a comparison of a successfully treated case and an unsuccessful one”;
in: Xu Han and Daoguo Yang (Ed's);
8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2017);
Guilin, China; 25–29 July 2017. [full paper;  keynote lecture]

Mingzi Zhang?, Yujie Li, David I. Verrelli, Winston Chong, Makoto Ohta and Yi Qian;
“Applying virtual stent deployment to study flow-diversion treatment for intracranial aneurysms: the effect of stent compaction on post-treatment wire configuration”;
in: Xu Han and Daoguo Yang (Ed’s);
8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2017);
Guilin, China; 25–29 July 2017. [full paper]


Conferences — other presentations:

David I. Verrelli, Peter J. Scales and David R. Dixon;
“The effect of water treatment processes upon sludge production and dewaterability”;
24th Australian Colloid & Surface Science Student Conference;
Sunset Cove, Australia; 02–06 February 2004. [poster]

David I. Verrelli, Peter J. Scales and David R. Dixon;
“The effect of coagulant dose and pH upon drinking water sludge dewaterability”;
ACIS 2005: Australian Colloid and Interface Symposium;
Coogee Beach, Australia; 13–17 February 2005. [poster]

David I. Verrelli?, David R. Dixon and Peter J. Scales;
“Drinking water sludge: the influence of coagulant dose and coagulation pH”;
25th Australian Colloid & Surface Science Student Conference;
Beechworth, Australia; 06–10 February 2006; p. 32. [abstract]

David I. Verrelli, Peter J. Scales and David R. Dixon?;
“The dewatering characteristics of water treatment plant sludges”;
IWA Sludge Conference 2009: Sustainable Management & Technologies of Water and Wastewater Sludges;
Harbin, China; 08–10 August 2009. [extended abstract]
Website: (archived version).

David I. Verrelli?;
“New considerations in contact angle determination by the capillary rise technique”;
ACIS 2011: Australian Colloid and Interface Symposium;
Hobart, Australia; 30 January – 03 February 2011. [extended abstract]

David I. Verrelli;
“Characterisation of aggregate structure by fractal dimensions, and associated uncertainties”;
ACIS 2011: Australian Colloid and Interface Symposium;
Hobart, Australia; 30 January – 03 February 2011. [poster]

David I. Verrelli?, Peter T. L. Koh, Anh V. Nguyen, Warren J. Bruckard and M. Philip Schwarz;
“Interaction and attachment of particles and bubbles in an aqueous environment”;
UK Colloids 2011;
RSC Colloid and Interface Science Group / SCI Colloid and Surface Science Group; London, England; 04–06 July 2011; Paper A5. [abstract]

David I. Verrelli?;
“Influences of normal stress differences on measurements of yield stress”;
6th Korean-Australian Rheology Conference;
Korean Society of Rheology / Australian Society of Rheology; Daejeon, Korea; 25–27 September 2011; Paper A4. [abstract]

David I. Verrelli?, Peter T. L. Koh, Warren J. Bruckard and M. Philip Schwarz;
“Variations in the induction period for particle–bubble attachment”;
Flotation ’11;
Minerals Engineering International; Cape Town, South Africa; 14–17 November 2011. [full paper]

David I. Verrelli?;
“Optimising dairy factory Clean-In-Place systems to minimise cost and environmental footprint”;
CSIRO Intelligent Processing Symposium (CIPS);
Melbourne, Australia; 28–30 May 2012. [abstract]

David I. Verrelli?, Chris Aldrich, Leanne Smith, Ryan Lagerstrom, Nigel Goodman, Henry Sabarez, et alia;
“Robust application of image texture analysis to enhance bioprocess efficiencies. Deciphering the secret signs of froths and foams”;
CSIRO Intelligent Processing Symposium (CIPS);
Melbourne, Australia; 29–31 May 2013. [workshop presentation]

Robert Stewart, David I. Verrelli, James Gardiner, Durga Acharya, Florian Lapierre, Danyang Ying, Veronica Glattauer, Patrick Hartley and Yonggang Zhu?;
“Microfluidic processing of peptide-based microcapsules”;
CSIRO Intelligent Processing Symposium (CIPS);
Melbourne, Australia; 29–31 May 2013. [abstract]

Geoff Dumsday?, David I. Verrelli, Nawshad Haque, Henry Sabarez, Dion Frampton, Graeme Dunstan and Linda Howell;
“Robust process design driven by life cycle analysis”;
CSIRO Intelligent Processing Symposium (CIPS);
Melbourne, Australia; 29–31 May 2013. [abstract]

Dion Frampton, Geoff Dumsday, Graeme Dunstan, Kim Lee Chang, David I. Verrelli, Nawshad Haque, Henry Sabarez, Manoj Rout and Linda Howell;
“Conversion of waste biomass into functional oils: an LCA-guided approach”;
CSIRO Intelligent Processing Symposium (CIPS);
Melbourne, Australia; 29–31 May 2013. [poster]

David I. Verrelli, James Wood?, Kaavya Karunanithi, Craig Savage, Yi Qian and Michael K. Wilson;
“Towards the perfect anastomosis — quantitative assessment of simulated anastomoses”;
Australian and New Zealand Society of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgeons 2014 Annual Scientific Meeting (ANZSCTS 2014 ASM);
Gold Coast, Australia; 09–12 November 2014;  p. 97. [extended abstract]

Extended abstract republished as:

David I. Verrelli, et alia;
“Towards the perfect anastomosis — quantitative assessment of simulated anastomoses”;
Heart, Lung and Circulation;
December 2015; 24(Supplement 1): pp. e29–e30. doi:10.1016/j.hlc.2014.12.064.

Yi Qian?, Winston Chong, William Yang, David I. Verrelli and Kaavya Karunanithi;
“The effect of flow diverters on hæmodynamic characteristics in intracranial aneurysms”;
in: Winston Chong, Hal Rice and Laetitia de Villiers (Ed’s);
13th Congress of the World Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology (WFITN) 2015;
Gold Coast, Australia; 09–13 November 2015. [extended abstract]
Website: (archived version).

Extended abstract republished as:

Yi Qian, et alia;
“The effect of flow diverters on hæmodynamic characteristics in intracranial aneurysms”;
Interventional Neuroradiology;
November 2015; 21(Supplement 1): p. 193. doi:10.1177/1591019915608298.

William Yang?, David I. Verrelli, Kaavya Karunanithi, Winston Chong and Yi Qian;
In vitro characterisation of aneurismal haemodynamics with and without a flow diverter using particle image velocimetry”;
in: Yi Qian and Winston Chong (Ed’s);
12th Interdisciplinary Cerebrovascular Symposium, Intracranial Stent Meeting (ICS) 2015;
Gold Coast, Australia; 13–14 November 2015;  p. 44. [extended abstract]
Website: (archived version).

Extended abstract republished as:

William Yang, et alia;
In vitro characterisation of aneurismal haemodynamics with and without a flow diverter using particle image velocimetry”;
Interventional Neuroradiology;
November 2015; 21(Supplement 1): p. 361. doi:10.1177/1591019915612700.

Yujie Li, David I. Verrelli, William Yang, Winston Chong, Makoto Ohta and Yi Qian;
“Haemodynamic simulation of aneurysm treated with virtual flow diverter”;
in: Nobuyuki Sakai (Ed.);
13th Intracranial Stent Meeting, Interdisciplinary Cerebrovascular Symposium (ICS2016);
Kobe, Japan; 26–27 November 2016. [poster]

Mingzi Zhang, Yujie Li, Shin-ichiro Sugiyama, David I. Verrelli, Yi Qian and Makoto Ohta;
“Incomplete expansion of flow-diverting stent affects aneurysm haemodynamics: a quantitative comparison between treatments with different severities of incomplete expansion occurring within different segments of the parent artery”;
in: Fergal O’Brien and Danny Kelly (Ed’s);
8th World Congress of Biomechanics (WBC18);
Dublin, Ireland; 08–12 July 2018; Abstract 4200. [extended abstract, and poster]


Reports (since 2010):

Andrew Lee, David I. Verrelli, M. Philip Schwarz and Peter T. L. Koh;
Effect of Physical Parameters on Induction Times for Particle–Bubble Attachment;
CSIRO Process Science and Engineering; Melbourne, Australia; May 2012: 46 pages.

David I. Verrelli and Peter T. L. Koh;
Investigation on the Effect of Particle Shape in Flotation and Validation of CFD Model. Project Completion Report;
CSIRO Process Science and Engineering; Melbourne, Australia; July 2012: 14 pages.

David I. Verrelli;
Review of Acid Mist Generation;
CSIRO Minerals Down Under; Melbourne, Australia; October 2012: 76 pages.

Nawshad Haque, David I. Verrelli, Henry T. Sabarez, Dion M. F. Frampton, Graeme A. Dunstan, Linda Howell, Kim J. Lee Chang, Manoj K. Rout and Geoff Dumsday;
Robust Process Design driven by Life Cycle Analysis;
CSIRO Intelligent Processing Transformational Capability Platform; Melbourne, Australia; February 2014: 67 pages.



David I. Verrelli *;
Formaldehyde from Methanol;
Final Year Design Project Report, Monash University; Melbourne, Australia; 1999: circa 280 pages.
* In collaboration with other group members: Ho Hai Huynh, Sasha Trandafilovic, Rachel Weldon, Michael Whiteman & Saiful Zainal Abidin.

David I. Verrelli *;
Drinking Water Treatment Sludge Production and Dewaterability;
Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Melbourne; Melbourne, Australia; 2008: 968 pages.
* Under supervision of Peter J. Scales (primary supervisor) and David R. Dixon (secondary supervisor), and with additional support as acknowledged therein.


Newsletter articles:

David I. Verrelli;
Wet News; Water Subject Group, IChemE; Issue 57, June 2009, pp. 8–10.

David I. Verrelli;
“Water Box”;
WET News; Water Subject Group, IChemE; circa 2010.

David I. Verrelli;
“Book Review - “Making Public Enterprises Work. From Despair to Promise: A Turn Around Account”, William T. Muhairwe”;
WASH Newsletter; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Developing Communities Specialist Network, AWA; September 2010.

David I. Verrelli;
“Book review: Making Public Enterprises Work. From Despair to Promise: A Turn Around Account. (William T. Muhairwe, 15 November 2009)”;
Wet News; Water Subject Group, IChemE; Issue 62, November 2011, pp. 9–11.

David I. Verrelli;
“New initiative for postdoctoral fellows at CSIRO a success”;
Early Days; Australian Academy of Science; Issue 7, August 2011. 


Presentations to external institutions:

I have presented my research while visiting several esteemed research institutions:

  • Korea Institute for Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Korea (twice)
  • Imperial College London, England
  • University of Cape Town, South Africa
  • Stellenbosch University, South Africa
  • Monash University, Australia
  • University of Alberta, Canada

I have also presented to several academics who visited my institution.

External sponsors presented to:

  • Yorkshire Water
  • United Utilities
  • Anglo Platinum
  • Rio Tinto
  • Petronas
  • Xstrata Technology
  • BHP Billiton
  • Industrie De Nora
  • Hatch
  • Anglo Chile
  • Newmont

External collaborators presented to:

  • Fujitsu (Australia & Japan)
  • GE Healthcare (Australia & USA)
  • Monash Health
  • Macquarie Medical Imaging