Other Professional Research Activities
Chaired conference sessions
- CFD 2009 (7th International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries);
- Flotation ’11 (5th International Flotation Conference);
- IMPC 2014 (XXVII International Mineral Processing Congress).
Organised conference, workshop, tours and lectures
- Co-organised 2010 CSIRO MMM Postdoctoral Fellows conference (73 presenters);
- Organised tour and co-organised lectures for ASR (2011, 2016, 2017);
- Organised 2012 CSIRO ‘Lumps that go Bump’ workshop (45 delegates).
Written articles for technical society newsletters
- ‘WET News’ — Water Subject Group of IChemE.
- ‘WASH newsletter’ — Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Developing Communities Specialist Network of AWA.
- ‘Early Days’ — ARC newsletter for early-career researchers.