IT Achievements
Selected IT achievements
Ranked 42nd of >45000 individuals* for MATLAB on The MathWorks' "Cody" website. (As at 09 July 2018.)
* There are more than 45000 participating individuals. There are more than 200000 other individuals registered on the website but not participating.
Certified "MATLAB Associate". (Certified by The MathWorks in May 2016, being at that time one of fewer than 20 in Australia.)
‘River Analysis Package’ (RAP)
- Designed and developed the ‘River Analysis Package’ (RAP) software tool, an Expert System to easily assess environmental impacts of stream-flow.
- Built with .NET using "J#" — the 'visual' version of Java (quite similar to "C#") — on the "TIME" platform developed within the CRC for Catchment Hydrology, led by researchers at CSIRO.
- RAP continues to be used by industry as part of the eWater ‘Toolkit’.